Wednesday 28 June 2017

7 tips for staying cool during summer heat

The hottest days of the year are right around the corner, but rather than sit around miserable there are some strategies you can use to say cool and comfortable.

Take a swim, go to the lake or visit a splash pad

Jump into a body of water to cool off on the hottest days. Luckily there are plenty of options for families and friends to take a swim in the Oklahoma City Metro. Go boating at Lake Arcadia or Lake Hefner. Take a canoe down the Oklahoma River. Enroll your kids in swimming lessons at the Earlywine and Will Rogers Family Aquatic Centers, or cannonball off a diving board at Westwood Water Park in Norman.

Go to a local museum

The area is packed full of museums both big and small for you to visit the metro. If it is a triple-digit day and nothing can beat the heat, a cool museum or library may do the trick. Go to the Museum of Osteology or the Science Museum of Oklahoma. The Oklahoma City library is another great place to retreat with a good book for several hours until the unforgiving sun decides to set.

Stay hydrated with water and other refreshing beverages

The rule of thumb is to drink enough water to prevent thirst. Ice cold water can help keep you cool, but more importantly it is the best way to avoid any heat-related illnesses. If you are working or keeping active, The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)  recommends that for moderate activity in moderate conditions, each worker should drink 1 cup of water every 15 to 20 minutes.

Sleep and sit low to the ground

Cold air circulates lower to the ground. Ceiling fans can help stir the air some, but sleeping low to the ground and sitting near the floor will help you stay cool. Cuddling increases body temperature, so it is better to sleep alone and spread out rather than curl up.

Stay out of the sun

If you go outside, stay in the shade. Direct sunlight makes the air feel 10 to 15 degrees warmer, and it also increases the chances of a burn.Wear lighter cotton clothes because the fabric will absorb less light and keep you cooler.

Eat some ice cream

As if you needed any other excuse to eat this delicious treat, taking a few bites of cold ice cream can help you remain comfortable in hot weather. Anything ingested that is lower than the body temperature whether it is ice tea or ice cream, it will produce a cooling effect. However, the digestion process 15 to 20 minutes following the consumption may increase your body temperature. So break the rules and jump in the pool after you eat it.

Freeze the sheets

Before heading off to bed, grab your sheets from the freezer. Be sure that you store them in a ziplock bag (unless you like smelling frozen vegetables and pizza while you sleep.) The sheets will eventually warm up, but the goal is to fall asleep without being hot.
NorthStar Properties maintains efficient units that can keep you cool during hot summer months. Contact us to learn more about available units, and our other amenities that may keep you from overheating on hot days, like an outdoor pool.

9 tips for renters to save on their electric bill this summer

In summer, Oklahoma heat is unforgiving. As the temperature spikes, so can your electric bill,  but these strategies can help you reduce your electric usage and stay cool. 

Seal window cracks to prevent heat from pouring into your apartment or home

Most people work to seal windows in their home or apartment in the winter to keep the warm air from escaping, but the same strategy is useful in the heat of summer to keep warm air out. Rubber sealing or window film will do the trick, but remember to install a product that will still allow you to open your windows on cool,  breezy nights.

Consider grilling outside rather than baking indoors

If it is warm in the house, baking or cooking on a stove top will only increase the room temperature. Take the opportunity to have a cookout. It isn’t uncommon for apartment complexes to have designated outdoor grilling areas, and hot summer days are the perfect opportunity to take advantage of the amenity. An added benefit is you have the opportunity to keep all that extra heat outside rather than in your home.

Use energy efficient light bulbs

On average, five percent of energy consumption is dedicated to lighting, which means you have the opportunity to save, especially during high consumption months in summer, by investing in energy efficient light bulbs. The best options are Halogen incandescents, compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs), and light-emitting diodes (LEDs). Traditional light bulbs give off 90 percent of their energy as heat, which is not what you want, especially in the summer.  

Install a programmable thermostat

If you have a specific routine, then a programmable thermostat can make your home more efficient by limiting air conditioning in your absence and increasing it at the times you need it most. If you already have a programmable thermostat, then make sure you take the time to learn the settings, and optimize it for your lifestyle.

Use fans to cool the room

A ceiling fan or even a desk fan can help you keep the room a few degrees hotter while maintaining comfortable with the temperature.Ceiling fans help push down warm air, which forces the cool air near the floor to stir around the room.  

Unplug electronics

If you’re not using it, then unplug it from the wall. Phantom energy is the electricity used by equipment that is off but plugged in, and it accounts for nearly 15 percent of the energy consumption from these gadgets. Power strips can make this process less of a hassle because you don’t have to struggle to get to outlets behind heavy desks or entertainment centers.

Hang up light-colored heavy curtains (preferably reflective).

The Department of Energy reported that draperies with white-plastic backings could reduce heat gain by 33 percent. A reflective backing on curtains can also redirect the heat away from your house. Curtains on the east and west side of a home will help reduce heat gain more than north or south facing windows.

Regularly replace air filters

Dirty air filters cause your air conditioning unit to work harder. It is better to change the filters monthly to keep your system working well. Another added benefit is higher air quality and reduced allergens in your home.

Keep yourself cool and hydrated

You can also keep the room temperature warmer if you stay cool and hydrated. Drink refreshing beverages like iced mint tea or cold water, and wear light clothing. The longer you remain comfortable the less you need to turn on air conditioning. NorthStar Properties provides residents the energy efficient appliances, and is ready to help you with any maintenance needs like fixing window seals. Contact us to learn more about our amenities and available units.